The brainless skank liar, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, doesn’t seem to remember the DNC’s horrendous treatment of President George W. Bush, and says that they never treated Bush bad, compared to how Obama is being treated.
Even if that was the truth, which it is definitely not, Bush was a good president, who tried to do the right thing to make our nation more safe, in the face of terrorists and increasing danger.
The Obama administration, on the other hand, is doing everything in his power to make the United States LESS secure, and even is taking steps to help terrorists secretly enter our country, and even live off the US Taxpayer while they plan their next attack.
Terrorist-friendly Team Obama has even made it easier to successfully attack our nation, and get away with it. And if the terrorists are ever caught, (never are by Obama) the Obama administration always tries to give the terrorists lawyers and hold any trials here in our civilian courts, instead of in a military tribunal where they belong.
Obama has been involved in MANY crimes, scandals and coverups, and Obama DESERVES every bit of criticism he has received, and more! He should have been run out of office long ago, but was saved by corrupt criminals in the Democrat Party.
Maybe the senile Nancy Pelosi should go take her meds, and maybe she will have a better recollection of how badly the DNC mistreated President Bush.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said comparing Republican treatment of President Obama to how Democrats handled President George W. Bush is a false equivalence and that Democrats don’t bear culpability for the comparatively fewer number of bills being passed by Congress and signed into law.
“Let me just say that any of this equivalence, both sides, this or that, no — we never treated President Bush the way they treat President Obama,” she said Monday on MSNBC. “It’s no use whining about it; we just have to get people out to vote” and make people aware there’s an election this year.
“Most people don’t even know there’s a midterm election – it’s not in their universe of things to look forward to,” she said. “And so much is at stake. So much is at stake in the election and I would hope, if I could put one word on the ballot, it would be bipartisanship.”
Mrs. Pelosi said she hoped things might return to a time where common ground could be found between the parties.
“But they have said President Obama’s failure is their top priority and they will not — anything he proposes, it’s never, that’s our timetable for that, Mr. President,” she said. “So again, it is a fact — we just move on [from] that and we want to give people positive reasons” to vote.
She said those reasons include Democratic agenda items on job creation initiatives for American workers and issues related to equal pay and benefits for women.
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