Treasonous Traitor Mark Milley Pardoned But Not Forgotten – Supreme Court Will Overturn Biden Blanket Preemptive Pardon

Treasonous Traitor Mark Milley engaged in one of the purest, and most serious, forms of Treason there is when Milley called China’s military, behind the President Trump’s back, and told them that he would warn them, ahead of time, if President Trump ordered an attack, and would not follow orders, if given. The equally treasonous and traitorous mush-brain criminal head of the Biden Crime Family pardoned criminal Mark Milley’s treason but, once they have the case, the Supreme Court will overturn Biden’s illegal blanket preemptive pardons.

Here is Treasonous Traitor Mark Milley’s own testimony, admitting to his treason.

“That’s when I knew he (Milley) was a fuckin’ idiot!” I love President Trump! He is not a politician, which is why he feels free to say whatever is on his mind, at any point in time, and at this point in time he was talking about Treasonous Criminal Mark Milley, when Milley decided to leave many Billions of military equipment in Adfghanastan – handing it straight over to the Taliban. (which is exactly what the democrats wanted to happen)

Treasonous Traitor Mark Milley’s newly-unveiled portrait has even been removed from the Pentagon, after only hanging on the wall for a few days.

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