Blow-job Queen Kamala Harris says that “our institutions” are racist, but she is only half right because the democrats are the party of violent racist behavior throughout history, including the deaths of many black people by lynching. Kamala Harris doesn’t want to admit that any “institutionalized racism” in America is all due o the democrat party.
Here is Kamala Harris comparing the job our police officers do to slavery, lynchings and Jim Crow.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) August 27, 2024
Never forget Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood to exterminate the Black American population
— Matt Robinson (@dowop_robinson) August 18, 2024
It was the democrats that fought as Confederate soldiers to keep blacks in slavery, it was democrats who enacted Jim Crow laws to control black people, it was democrats who stared ran the KKK, it was democrats who lynched blacks to keep them in line and scare them into voting for them, and it is democrats who still to this day routinely abuse black people, at least until an election comes around, and the democrats need the black vote to win. When elections and their power is on the line the democrats magically become the black community’s best friends! And it was Planned Parenthood’s democrat founder, Margaret Sanger who initiated the mass murder of black babies by abortion.
In 1957, Mike Wallace interviewed Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, in an discussion that will make your skin crawl.
— The Redheaded libertarian (@TRHLofficial) May 27, 2023
Kanye West says that 50% of all black deaths are caused by abortion!
Abortion is the silent genocide of black Americans and the Democrats protect it, fund it, and will do anything to force it to continue.
Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a racist and believer in eugenics.
PP should pay reparations.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) October 7, 2022
Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood with the intention of eradicating the black population.
Here she is speaking with the KKK.
And the Democrat party wants you to think abortion is about “protecting your reproductive rights”.
— justsaying… (@595sparky) August 19, 2024
On top of all of the historic racism of the democrat party, one of the worst legacies the democrats have on the Black Community is facilitating the murder of millions of black babies by abortion every year at their baby-murder clinics. There is a cold and calculated reason why the democrats put the vast majority of their abortion clinics in black communities. I’ve never seen one anywhere around where I live, but then again the democrats aren’t trying to force White People into murdering their babies like they do to black people.
Black people are oblivious to the racist and violent history of the democrat party though and continue to believe the lies that are so often repeated, and support/vote for their literal democrat slave masters in every election.
Any black people who want the truth, go do some research on Planned Parenthood’s democrat founder, Margaret Sanger, who also started the “Negro Project birth control plan that aimed at attaining “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”. Sanger considered black people “Human Weeds” and Sanger once even said “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
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