The corrupt establishment media and politicians (from both sides of the isle) don’t want you to see this new video by Jason Aldean called “TRY THAT IN A SMALL TOWN”, because it shows some of the bullshit the protected class of racist criminal traitors have been doing to destroy America – on purpose, and with the help of the politicians and fake news media.
CMT and others have pulled the video for Aldean’s new song, but the video is #1 on iTunes and YouTube, with over 5.4 million views on YouTube alone, so I don’t think their attempts to stop the video from being watched is working very well. Maybe we should boycott CMT and the other fake-ass dumb-fucks, like disgusting washed-up skank Sheryl Crow, who are attacking Jason Aldean. When was the last time that Sheryl Crow had a song that reaches as many ears as “TRY THAT IN A SMALL TOWN”? I’d say “never”.
I’m about to watch it again.
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