Old-ass pussy leftist James Carville thinks he’s a Tough guy when talking to other brainwashed idiots who won’t push back and said that he wanted to punch all ‘unvaccinated’ “pieces of shit” in the face.

Stupid Old-Ass Leftist Dickhead James Carville Wants To Punch ‘Asshole’ ‘Unvaccinated’ Americans In The Face
I would LOVE to see ancient big-eared piece of shit leftist pussy James Carville try and punch me, or mot anyone else, in the face – because James Carville would end up in the emergency room with a fucking broken hip after being knocked the fuck out!
Honestly, out of the millions of ways to die, being killed by a pharmaceutical experiment of lies is not one of the ways that I choose to go.
Maybe we should pass a law that makes you immune from liability when dealing with tyrannical assholes, like James Carville and many others, who have already expressed their wish to do harm to people who chose to stay uninfected by he fake “vaccine”.
I read this and thought it was great.
“Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place?”
Now come punch me in the face Carville, you worthless dumbfuck!
Democratic strategist James Carville cursed out unvaccinated individuals on his podcast last week, saying anyone without a vaccine was a “piece of s–t” and he wanted to punch them in the face.
On Thursday’s “Politics War Room with James Carville & Al Hunt,” Carville and Hunt took a listener question wondering why President Biden would not pass a bill that bars unvaccinated citizens from interstate travel.
I wouldn’t be against that at all. I’d be for it actually, as long as you put ‘or testing.’ Before you get on a plane or bus or interstate train, you want to be vaccinated or tested. I don’t think the Supreme Court would allow him to do that,” Hunt said.
“I don’t either,” Carville replied.
“I don’t think he should expend much capital trying to get something done that’s going to get knocked down,” Hunt said.
Carville continued by suggesting a law giving immunity to anyone for punching an unvaccinated person.
“I wish what they’d do is pass a law to make you immune from liability if you punch some unvaccinated person right in the face, which I’d really like to do. If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of shit, OK? I just want to punch you in the goddammed face. That’s the way I look at these people,” Carville said.
“Agreed,” Hunt replied.
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