Trainwreck MSNBC Dem Debate Goes Off Rails With Network Problems, Media & Pol Hacks, Radical Ideas

HAHAHAHA!! The Democrat Debate on MSNBC was a TOTAL CRAPTASTIC TRAINWRECK DISASTER of bush league network / sound problems, and media / political hacks doing their best to sound halfway credible, while making all kinds of crazy radical claims and impossible promises.

Trainwreck MSNBC Dem Debate Goes Off Rails With Network Problems, Media & Pol Hacks, Radical Ideas

Trainwreck MSNBC Dem Debate Goes Off Rails With Network Problems, Media & Pol Hacks, Radical Ideas

What a HORRIBLE PRODUCTION BY MSNBC – with sound and network problems, blackouts where the screen went completely black for a second or two, cutting early to a commercial to try and figure their shit out, with a huge group of ANGRY PSYCHO DEMOCRATS on stage – none of whom will be elected President in 2020 – and probably ever.


Other than a few funny spots where the stupidity of the candidate was overwhelming, the entire debate was an MSNBC hit job on President Trump and Republicans, with 10 Democrat losers being served-up softball questions that promoted leftist lies and led the candidate into attacking the President of the United States and conservatives, while promoting radical America-killing leftist and Socialist policies.

So far, we’ve heard about Democrat loves of “Murdering Babies”, “Open Borders”, “Gun Bans”, “Gay Rights” “Tans Rights”, “The Man-Made Global Warming Lie” and a bunch of other stupid radical bullshit that nobody (but them) cares about or wants, but Democrats will try to cram down our throats anyway.

Non-stop baseless attacks and lies about the President of the United States were very obviously baited and encouraged by each of the hack MSNBC moderator’s questions, which was disgusting and wrong, but fully expected from a shit cable network like MSNBC.

All of the sudden, the Democrats have realized that their party has caused a huge immigration problem on our southern border, and I don’t think I have heard as much horrible Spanish on one stage in my life while, as usual, lying through their teeth to try and blame their mess on the Republicans.

Lisping jackass Washington Gov. Jay Inslee claimed that, due to the Democrat lie of “Man-Made Global Warming”, that “our fields are burning and our cities are flooding”.

Democrat mental midget Julián Castro even stated very firmly, with great belief, that men, who dress up as women, need the right to have an abortion.

What a stupid fucker! He’s probably just hoping that he can knock up his boyfriend, but someone should really tell Castro about the “Birds & the Bees”.

Dumbass Corey Booker said that we need to “stop the lynching of African Americans”.

Elizabeth Warren was gifted the center stage in the debate because the Democrats have already picked her to run against President Trump, and the MSNBC hacks let trembly & weak Socialist (aren’t they all?) Warren ramble on and on.

The closing statements of these worthless Socialist Democrat tools are priceless, and will be played until the end of time in Political Science classes as “What Not to Do” when running for political office – especially President of the United States.

All of the leftist douches attacked President Trump in their closing statement, which is now just the Democrat’s favorite past-time, but The American People are done with that, and will punish Democrats in the next election for wasting the time and money on illegal fake political investigations, and the treasonous weaponizing the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS and other government agencies to be used as weapons against political enemies.

Robert Francis O’Rourke tried his best, but failed to control his hands and head bobbing, but probably hit the right radical buttons to move on.

Elizabeth Warren basically reminded everyone how she lied over and over when she used a false heritage to gain an upper hand on getting into schools and throughout life. She’ll be pushed forward by the Democrats, but won’t make it.

Inslee said that Donald Trump was the biggest threat to America… and even brought up the homeless problem and “Tent City in LA” that the Democrats caused and encouraged, but are trying to hide from the American People. You will never see anything on CNN or MSNBC about the homeless problem in California and other Democrat-run states. America will probably never elect someone with a speech impediment – don’t see it happening.

To top it off, MSNBC couldn’t keep the audio and video feed running for 30 seconds without having a blackout. Amateur hour!

One thing is for sure… All of these Democrat losers need to start whitening their lower teeth when they whiten the upper teeth.. That’s gross, dumbasses!

What a fucking trainwreck!! MSNBC and the Democrats should be EMBARRASSED!

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