“Justice for Darryl Green” – Racist Eric Holder Fixated on Zimmerman – Ignores Multiple Nightly Murders in Chicago
1) Chicago is run by another corrupt Obama supporter, and former Obama national campaign co-chairman, Raham Emanuel.
2) The murders that happen every night in Chicago are mostly blacks killing other blacks, so the corrupt police and city officials feel that these crimes are not worth their time. (Take the story below of the killing of 17-year-old Darryl Green as an example)
3) Chicago police don’t even go to some areas of the city because it is too dangerous, so Chicago Police don’t even investigate the murders like 17 year old Darryl Green – that is.. unless he was killed by a lighter skinned person.
Chicago Police found the rotting body of Darryl Green, a 17 year old black child, face down in Englewood Chicago, and an autopsy found that the child was shot to death.
Where is all of the outrage? Where are the “Justice for Darryl Green” signs? Why has Obama not come out and said that if he had a son, he would look like Darryl Green? Where is the corrupt and racist Congressional Black Caucus? Where are all of the self-serving race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Frederica Wilson and Obama himself?
Why, in these race baiters minds, is Darryl Green’s life not as important as Trayvon Martin?
I say, if these brainless racists and race baiters want to have the conversation, lets look at some of the stats on murders in the United States and we will see that white on black crime is the lowest category of crime, while black on white crime is near the top every year.
On Thursday, July 11, police discovered the rotting body of 17-year-old Darryl Green, a black child from the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. Green’s body was found behind a boarded-up house in the 6500-block of South Damen, face down on basement stairs. The body was so badly decomposed that originally, local news reports suggested that he had died of blunt force trauma. On Friday, an autopsy showed he had been shot to death. Relatives reported that Green had refused to join a gang at school.
Meanwhile, members of the media including Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson focused on the “not guilty” verdict in the George Zimmerman trial over Trayvon Martin. The only media outlets that have covered the murder of Darryl Green are The Chicago Sun-Times and ABC 7 Chicago. The New York Times’ Joe Nocera mentioned Green in passing in a blog post devoted to highlighting gun crimes across the country. President Obama has not commented on Green’s death. Neither have any other politicians, including local Congressmen Danny Davis and Bobby Rush, or Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Neither has anyone at MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, The Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, or throughout the Hollywood community.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org