Cesar Sayoc is not the real “Fake Pipe Bomber”. no matter what the Democrats and the Fake News media are telling you. The person or people responsible for the fake pipe bombs is still at large, and laughing hysterically at the stupid American People who have the attention span of fruit flies, and are allowing a HUGE Democrat coverup to pass by without detection.
The evidence that they have against Cesar Sayoc is bullshit, and the Federal Prosecutor seems to be helping Democrats by keeping Sayoc in prison, so he can’t tell his story to the American People.
Seriously, think about it. Where is the video? THERE HAS TO BE VIDEO – AND NOBODY CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE!
I bet you can’t get within a mile of George Soros’ house without being caught on video, probably from every angle. Don’t tell me that someone was just able to stroll up to George Soros’ home, where he and his family live, without security knowing about it and intervening.
And don’t try and tell me that someone can drop off or mail another dozen fake bombs, to current and former high-ranking Democrats, without being caught on video dropping of a package.
The fake bombs were made to look like an easily distinguishable “bomb” to stupid people who wouldn’t know better if the fake bombs were nay more sophisticated, but could have never detonated, even if you strapped some real explosives to the bomb, and set it off. The wires went nowhere, the timer didn’t have an alarm function, and the US Postal stamps on the fake bomb packages were not postmarked, which means that they weren’t actually sent through the mail.
But the kicker for me is that there is no video that we know of that shows Sayoc or his van dropping off any of the 12 or 13 fake pipe bombs – why is that?
If Cesar Sayoc dropped off a package at billionaire George Soros’ house, or CNN, or at the office of a Congressional Democrat, as they claim, they would have video of Sayoc, the van, someone walking up with a package in-hand – ANYTHING!
They don’t have video because they are using Sayoc as a patsy in the coverup of a Democrat False Flag.
The Democrats knew they could not weather another scandal this close to the election, and if the fake bomber had been actually found and identified correctly, as a Democrat, it would have spelled disaster doe Democrats on November 6th.
Once Sayoc has a chance to get his story out, we will probably hear a much different story than we are currently being told by the Fake News media.
In an exclusive interview with Local 10 News, one of Cesar Sayoc’s defense attorneys questioned the government’s case against the accused South Florida serial bomber, saying the evidence is circumstantial.
Jamie Benjamin is no stranger to Cesar Sayoc. His firm represented Sayoc on several retail theft charges in the past, the last one in 2014.
“He reached out and he was just relieved that we were there to be able to counsel him,” Benjamin said. “During those times of representation, he didn’t exhibit anything but a polite respectful person but who knows what’s happened from then till now.”…
…Benjamin maintains the evidence he’s seen in the criminal complaint against Sayoc is thin even though investigators said they have fingerprints and DNA evidence linking Sayoc to the packages.
“Just because they say this print, which hasn’t been certified, and these two maybe DNA (samples). That’s all they have. No pictures of him. No movies. No going to the places where they were mailed,” Benjamin said.
But what of the white Dodge van that Sayoc allegedly lived in, covered in pro-Trump stickers? And his social media pages spewing hateful messages and threatening violence?
“The First Amendment protects words even if they’re hate words. To connect it to this, the government has a long row to hoe here,” Benjamin said.
Federal prosecutors want no bail for Sayoc. They said he’s a flight risk and a danger to the community. A bond hearing will be held Friday.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org