The illiterate racist liar, Rachel Jeantel, who says she was on the phone with Trayvon Martin before he was shot, has already perjured herself after being caught lying under oath, and now says that she can’t read the letter that she helped write – because she “don’t read cursive”

Illiterate Racist Druggie Liar Friend of Trayvon Martin, Rachel Jeantel, Can’t Read Letter She ‘Wrote’
The fat-ass liar also claims that she didn’t believe that “cracker” was a racial term, when directed at someone.
It is painfully obvious that this woman doesn’t have a grasp of the truth or the English language, especially after reading all of the poorly-written and damming tweets that were quickly deleted from her account after becoming known to the public.
Here are a few of her tweets that talk about doing drugs drinking alcohol while under age.
HUH???! Was ANY of that English? Sounds like someone needs to go back to 2nd Grade!
A teenage friend of Trayvon Martin was forced to admit today in the George Zimmerman murder trial that she did not write a letter that was sent to Martin’s mother describing what she allegedly heard on a phone call with Martin moments before he was shot.
In a painfully embarrassing moment, Rachel Jeantel was asked to read the letter out loud in court.
“Are you able to read that at all?” defense attorney Don West asked.
Jeantel, head bowed, eyes averted whispered into the court microphone, “Some but not all. I don’t read cursive.”
It sent a hush through the packed courtroom.
Catch up on all the details from the George Zimmerman murder trial.
Jeantel, 19, was unable to read any of the letter save for her name.
The testimony was an attempt to raise questions about veracity of Jeantel’s testimony, who is a key prosecution witness in the racially charged case.
Zimmerman, 29, is on trial in the Florida courtroom for second degree murder in Martin’s Feb. 26, 2012 death.
Jeantel was subdued on the stand today, in contrast to her openly hostile demeanor towards Zimmerman’s lawyers on Wednesday. Her behavior was so different that defense lawyer Don West asked Jeantel, “You seem so different from yesterday. I’m just checking, did someone talk to last night about your demeanor in court?”
Jeantel replied that she had gotten some sleep.
Take an interactive look at the timeline of events surrounding Trayvon Martin’s death and George Zimmerman’s trial.
Rachel Jeantel was the last person to speak on the phone with Martin moments before he was shot to death by Zimmerman on Feb. 26, 2012.
During cross examination today, Jeantel also testified that she when she was interviewed under oath on April 2 by prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda she was sitting next to Trayvon Martin’s mother and that influenced what she told the prosecutor.
“You certainly didn’t want to say anything that you thought would hurt her feelings or make her grieve even worse,” asked West.
“Yes sir,” she responded.
“So because of that you were sensitive to (Martin’s mother) Mrs. Fulton’s feelings when you answered Mr. De la Rionda questions.”
“Yes sir,” she replied.
“And that’s why you cleaned up some of the language that Trayvon Martin used?” West asked.
“Yes sir,” she responded.
During nearly two hours of cross examination Wednesday in which he tried to raise questions about her version of events and accused her of telling several lies under oath, including about her whereabouts during Martin’s wake.
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