No matter how many times the corrupt Democrats and the Republican pussies say that they will spend $40 billion on 700 miles of border fencing, it is just another lie.

Border Fence Funds to be Wasted Again – Fence Won’t Be Built No Matter What Corrupt Politicians on Both Sides Promise
We have heard it time and time again, going back to the 80s. The border fence was already funded, but never built because Demorats want open borders and a less secure nation, and Republicans are a bunch of pansies who have no balls. Instead of building the fence promised to the American People, the corrupt politicians spent the money on their own pet projects.
Members of Congress who promise that money will be spent on efforts to secure the border conveniently withhold the fact that one Congress cannot bind a future Congress to appropriate funds mandated by already established laws. Such a practice is known as legislative entrenchment and courts have long upheld this position. If a future Congress does not want to appropriate funds to hire more border agents or build 700 miles of fencing, those lawmakers can opt not to appropriate funds for the effort.
Advocates of the Senate’s immigration bill point to different provisions in the bill that would ensure border security through the proposed Corker- Hoeven amendment. They claim $40 billion over ten years will be mandated to be spent on 700 miles of border fencing, 20,000 additional border agents, and an immigrant worker E-verify system among other measures.
This issue is playing out with the new health care law. The House of Representatives hold the purse strings to financing any program with tax payer dollars and that is why there are repeated congressional threats to de-fund Obamacare.
The House majority has changed parties three times, while party control in the Senate has flipped seven times since the American people heard congressional promises from the 1986 amnesty law, 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform law, and the 2006 Secure Fence Act.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has pointed out that while current immigration bill supporters tout that 20,000 additional border agents will be mandated by the Corker-Hoeven amendment, these agents will not be hired by DHS until 2017. Like so many instances before, the 115th Congress could decide that hiring more border security agents is unnecessary on the list of appropriation considerations.
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