Stupid NY Democrat Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Talks Herself Into Speeding Ticket

HaHa! This is pretty fucking funny! Watch stupid Democrat Ulster NY Legislator, Jennifer Schwartz Berky, go crazy during a minor traffic stop, and almost get out of a speeding ticket with her sob stories, but ends up with the speeding ticket and a very red face.

Watch in amazement above as the stupid wack-job ultimately argues herself up from getting a break with a seat belt ticket, to the full speeding ticket that she was allegedly guilty of originally, because she couldn’t shut her mouth.

On the phone and speeding, with an expired registration and expired drivers license. Not a good combination, and not a good roll model for the people she legislates over.

If the dumb-ass would have just closed her mouth then she would have had a no-points ticket for not wearing a seat belt, which would have cost her a whopping $10, but ended up costing her a lot more.

Here is Jennifer Schwartz Berky’s statement regarding the embarrassing video.

“The video released earlier this week of my Town of Ulster traffic stop captured a tough moment for me. Like so many working families, I too face tough times and stressful situations. As a professional, a public servant and a mother, I know my interaction with Police Officer Gary Short was unacceptable. I want to apologize to Officer Short and thank him for his patience and professionalism with me during a very difficult time. This has been a humbling experience for me. I hope to use it to grow and learn how to better represent the diverse working families who reside in the great the city of Kingston.”

I very much commend the officer for how well he handled the situation, and kept his cool during the nut-job display from Berky, but if Jennifer Schwartz Berky is the type of person they have working as legislators in the city of Kingston, I feel very sorry for the people who live there!

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