The piece of shit terrorist-loving mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, allowed at least 400 ISIS terrorist fighters back into the UK after fighting for the terrorist group in Syria, and letting the dangerous ISIS fighters roam free throughout the country, without monitoring their movements or actions.
When asked why he doesn’t know where the 400 terrorists are that they are allowing to disappear in London, Sadiq Khan “I can’t follow 400 people”.
What a complete piece of shit!! If I lived in London, I would be following the terrorist-loving Sadiq Khan around and letting him know that HE and his pro-terrorist policies are the entire reason why the UK is being attacked just about every week lately.
It would not surprise me if the terrorist-friendly Sadiq Khan actually celebrated the terrorist attacks they allowed to take place in London.
When will the people of the UK finally wake up and get rid of the terrorist sympathizer they voted into office, who cares more about the terrorists then the health and safety of UK citizens?? Not fast enough, that’s for sure!
Piers Morgan grilled London Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Tuesday morning on Good Morning Britain
Sadiq Khan is the first Muslim mayor of London.
Khan famously said terrorism was “part and parcel” of living in a large city after the September bombing in New York City.Piers asked the far left mayor about the whereabouts of the 200-400 ISIS fighters living in London:
Piers Morgan: “Where are the 400 jihadis still in London?… You’re the mayor! WHERE ARE THEY?”
Mayor Sadiq Khan: I can’t cover 400 people…
Piers Morgan: Why not?… Why can’t you instruct the police, why can’t you… say everyone of those people who’ve come back from a war zone, I want them followed?
Sadiq Khan: The have to prioritize…
Piers Morgan: What could be a bigger priority than people coming back from a Syrian battlefield with the intent to harm British citizens? Why’s it not the number one priority? Why are these people allowed to just come back in in the first place and then the London mayor does not have a clue to where any of them are?
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