This is funny! We’ve been reading how ESPN has lost over 1.5 million subscribers since February of this year, bringing the number of households with ESPN down under 90 million for the first time on over 10 years; mostly due to their brainless attacks on conservatives.
According to Nielsen data, ESPN has lost over 11,346,000 subscribers in just the past five years, and if all ESPN subscriber losses are combined from their 3 networks ESPN seems to have lost over a billion dollars in cable and satellite revenue over the past 5 years, which works out to be a loss of about $200 million each year.
60% of ESPN revenue comes from subscription fees charged to cable and satellite companies, and those fees will have to be greatly reduced now that ESPN subscribers are leaving in droves.
ESPN network executives are running around like complete idiots with their hair on fire, trying to scramble for any answers they can come up with; but remember that these are liberals, so they don’t have smarts or real much brain power.
Any network who hires a stupid libtard piece of shit like Keith Olbermann is a piece of shit itself, and I will continue to get enjoyment on the conservative-hating ESPN going straight down the toilet!!
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