HAHAHA!!! This is great! FUCK TWITTER!
A conservative Twitter user ran an experiment on the piece of shit anti-conservative and anti free speech social media platform, where he replaced the word “white” with the word “black” in a tweet previously deemed to not be offensive when it attacked White people, but once “white” and “black” were switched, the tweet was then considered a violation of Twitter’s rules, and the account was banned.
The original tweet that was not a violation of Twitter’s rules:
“I fucking hate white people and their inconsiderate asses for voting for Trump. Fuck you.”
The edited tweet that apparently was a violation of Twitter’s rules:
“I fucking hate black people and their inconsiderate asses for voting for Clinton. Fuck you.”
So as far as Twitter is concerned, racist hateful tweets about White people are OK, but Whites will immediately be banned for saying the exact same thing about blacks.
Conservatives are quitting Twitter in droves, and moving over to the new Twitter replacement, called GAP.ai, where freedom of speech and equality are still alive and well.
Conservatives are already painfully aware that there is a double standard, politically speaking, at social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Now an anonymous Twitter user has further exposed that standard by conducting an experiment with racial hate speech, according to Liberation Information.
This user wrote the same comment on two different accounts with only two words changed, then reported each for abusive behavior.
The first comment read like your standard profane insult on social media: “I fucking hate white people and their inconsiderate asses for voting for Trump. Fuck you.”
The second was changed to: “I fucking hate black people and their inconsiderate asses for voting for Clinton. Fuck you.”
The first subsequently was found not to be in “violation of Twitter’s Rules regarding abusive behavior,” while the second resulted in the user’s account being banned.
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