Stupid used-up Fox News skank Gretchen Carlson has now called for a ban on AR-15s, and falsely claiming that the Orlando terrorist used one in his attacks – which we know is a complete lie.

Brainless Fox News Skank Gretchen Carlson Wants to Ban AR-15s – Has No Clue – Just Repeats Libtard Talking Points Condemming Guns Not Terrorists
The stupid bitch Carlson says “there’s no doubt that Omar Mateen was able to kill so many people because he was firing an AR-15–a military style assault weapon”, but that is just worthless and lazy “journalism”, if you can call it that. I think all Gretchen Carlson did was watch MSNBC and repeat what they said.
The Orlando terrorist was shooting a Sigsauer MCX, NOT an AR-15. Get it straight bitch!
I would normally expect this kind of false “reporting” from CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC and others, but now that FOX is at it as well, I guess we can add them to the list. Or is it just
There is no reason for the constant attacks on the AR-15 weapon, or any semiautomatic weapon for that matter. The AR-15 may look mean, but it is just another automatic rifle, just like any other. The AR-15 does not go off on its own, and will only shoot once when you pull the trigger. The problem is not the gun; the problem is the nutjob Muslim terrorist that Team Obama allowed to buy weapons when they KNEW he was a problem.
There are hundreds of different styles of weapons that have the same capabilities as the AR-15, and there are millions of these weapons in the hands of law-abiding Americans across the United States, so banning them will not do one fucking thing to maker them go away – and if the terrorist can’t get an assault weapon, then they will use a bomb or some other method to complete their task of mass murder.
The anti-gun nut-job libtards are just trying their hardest to attack the one weapon, and then once they get some kind of legislation against the AR-15, then it will be much easier for them to attack the other semiautomatic rifles that people use to defend themselves and their family.
The liberal gun haters know that it will be much easier attacking one gun, the AR-15, instead of attacking the semiautomatic class of gun, which is the first step in their goal of taking away all American gun rights.
Fox News’ anchor Gretchen Carlson called for a ban on AR-15s.
She suggested June 14 that the AR-15 is not necessary “to hunt or kill deer” and only serves to enable terrorists to carry out their attacks with greater efficiency. She then quoted a December 2015 poll showing support for an “assault weapons” ban and said she is aligned with majority in that poll.
Carlson said,
Yes, the Orlando massacre was terror, but there’s no doubt that Omar Mateen was able to kill so many people because he was firing an AR-15–a military style assault weapon; a weapon easier to buy in the state of Florida than buying a handgun. Florida sets a three day waiting period for buying handguns but the state mandates no waiting period for any gun that takes two hands to hold. President Obama and gun control advocates have repeatedly called for reinstating the federal ban on semiautomatic assault weapons that expired in 2004, [but] Congress has said no.
At no time during her gun control push did Carlson mention that the Orlando attack took place in a gun-free zone; a place where club goers were disarmed, therefore defenseless. So there are numerous weapons that could have been used to inflict more casualties than we saw June 12.
Again–the victims were disarmed. They could not fight fire with no fire.
Gun bans lessen the number or types of guns law-abiding citizens can acquire to defend their lives and their homes but they do not stop criminals or terrorists. After all, Chicago has an “assault weapons” ban and they had 66 shot and 6 killed on Memorial Day weekend.
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