Weather Channel Co-Founder Admits Global Warming Is a Hoax of “Bad Science”

The co-founder of the Weather Channel is admitting something that we have known for years; that the Democrat dream of man-made global warming is a hoax.

“Not only is the ice not melting, more polar bears are alive and happy today than we’ve had in 100 years” – Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman

There is no so-called “man-made global warming”, and any attempts to prove the existence of man-made global warming use badly flawed “science”, and do not prove anything. Most of the people pushing the global warming lie are doing so for personal or political gain, and do not have anyone’s best interest in mind but their own.

The truth is that humans would have to intentionally harm the Earth for that to happen. The Earth will shake humans off its surface like a dead flea, and much easier than the earth killed off all of the huge dinosaurs.

There definitely is “climate change” taking place on the Earth. The climate changes every day on the Earth’s surface, giving us our weather cycles, but the long cycles of Earth’s heating and cooling are caused by factors and circumstances far beyond our control, and the Earth’s temperatures would be fluctuating basically the same amount even without the existence of humans.

The co-founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman appeared on Megyn Kelly’s show last night to say that climate change is a hoax.

Coleman said that media has been complicit in selling “bad science.”

“It’s very difficult for anybody to be against it because the media has told the nation day after day for 20 years that the oceans are rising, the polar bears are dying, the ice is melting, that storms are going to sweep the Earth and we’re all going to die of a heat wave,” Coleman said.

Kelly asked Coleman to address the statistics presented in Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” to which Coleman responded:

“Not only is the ice not melting, more polar bears are alive and happy today than we’ve had in 100 years,” Coleman concluded.
“Life is good, Mrs. Kelly. I gotta tell you, life is good.”

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