Crybaby pansy Glenn Beck hasn’t been right about much lately, and has been 100% wrong about Donald Trump since day 1, but Beck is at least right about one thing he has been saying.
Glenn Beck has said that there will never again be another Republican president, and we think he is right about that. Not because of Trump’s supposed racism (which is a lie), but because the Republican Party is now just about dead due to the weakness they have shown in standing up to Obama, the complete disregard they have shown Republican voters, and the party-busting dirty tricks and corruption that the Republican Party has been pulling in this election
So conservatives are jumping ship left and right, and Glenn Beck thinks that we will be worried that there won’t be any more Republican Presidents? Just the opposite. Many conservatives are dropping their Republican voter registration and becoming Independents or Libertarians because those political groups now reflect more of the core conservative beliefs, while the Republican Party has shown that they are quickly moving to the left, and becoming the Democrat Light Party.
I personally may still vote for a Republican if that candidate is someone I feel is worthy of my vote, but I will NEVER AGAIN hold my nose and vote for some fake Republican pussy, as I have done in the last two elections for the nutless losers Romney and McCain. If I could go back and change my vote for either of these two losers, I would in a heartbeat!
Glenn Beck declared on his radio show today that there will never be another Republican president because Donald Trump had permanently marked the GOP as the party of racists.
After announcing Ted Cruz as God’s anointed candidate, Beck reacted to the Texas Senator’s crushing defeat by refusing to endorse Trump.
“Trump is the face of the GOP – well that makes us crony capitalists, it makes us wafflers, it makes us pretty racist, it makes us big government guys….well I’m none of those and so I can’t say that these are my friends, cause that’s my future, I won’t tolerate it, I don’t want my children to look at that man and say yeah he’s my president,” said Beck.
Noting Trump’s unpopularity amongst hispanic voters, Beck asserted that Trump “is not going to build that wall and Mexico is not going to pay for it.”
“But here’s what happens, because Donald Trump is the GOP candidate….you will never elect another GOP person to high office ever again because….you’re going to have Hillary Clinton legalize as many voters as you can, the GOP is going to be completely racist whether it’s true or not because of Donald Trump – you will never have another Republican president ever again,” said the talk show host.
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, who called for the GOP to unite in an effort to defeat HIllary, is set to visit with Beck next week, although Beck said he couldn’t “help” Priebus with any kind of effort to rally support behind Trump.
Beck also vehemently predicted that Hillary Clinton would beat Trump, but added the caveat that he had been “wrong this entire election”.
Indeed, Beck was spectacularly wrong just 24 hours ago when he said he had a “good feeling” about Cruz’s chances in Indiana.
The Texas Senator ended up losing by nearly 17 percentage points
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