WOW!! Incompetent Biden Pentagon Skips the drone strike that would have killed the actual bomber that killed over 200 people, including many Americans, but then fires a drone missile against a family, and doesn’t kill anyone of interest. These people are fucking stupid!
New intel shows that Biden and the woke Pentagon had an attack drone locked onto the bomber who murdered over 200 people in Afghanistan, but denied the authorization to fire the missile to kill the terrorist. Now many Americans and Afghanis are dead because of their weakness.
Then, to overcompensate, and add a story into the news about a real drone strike and make themselves seem stronger, the Biden criminals fired a drone strike blowing up a bunch of innocent civilians, including women and children, and didn’t kill anyone of interest. IF they did actually kill a “high profile” terrorist, as they falsely claim, they would have released the name of the target or targets, but there was no target, other than this innocent family of civilians they used in their lie, which is why the Biden Pentagon will not release the names.
Biden and the democrats just wanted a photo-op of a car that they blew up, and could make up any lies they want to fit their narrative. Senile jackass loser Biden and the democrats didn’t care how many innocent civilians would be killed in their deception.
Now these fucking clowns are saying that the innocent civilians who were blown up in the drone strike were probably killed by the so-called “secondary explosion”, not the explosion or kinetic force of the missile strike on the vehicle the victims were in or around at the time of their deaths. IF there was a “secondary explosion” it could have been the gas tank, or additional gas cans inside the vehicle, or something explosive around the vehicle, but I suspect that the “secondary explosion” was a lie, made-up to make their story sound plausible.
These fucking democrat criminals are ridiculous, and they all need to go!
Every time one of these corrupt Communist democrat pieces of shit, like Biden, Kirby, Psaki, Milley, Austin and others take the podium, they are not giving facts, they are covering their asses with a smorgasbord of more bullshit, carefully-prepared lies and deception.
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