Washed-Up Jew Hating Scumbag John Cusack Posts Anti Semitic Tweet – Lies & Claims He Was Tricked by Bots

Washed-up jew-hating scumbag Nazi John Cusack is claiming that he was hacked after posting an anti semitic cartoon, and adding his own brain fart saying “Follow the Money”.

Washed-Up Jew Hating Scumbag John Cusack Posts Anti Semitic Tweet - Lies & Claims He Was Hacked

Washed-Up Jew Hating Scumbag John Cusack Posts Anti Semitic Tweet – Lies & Claims He Was Hacked

Brainless Nazi John Cusack claims that he was hacked or tricked by bots, or something… and claims he didn’t actually post the jew-hating tweet, but everyone knows that Cusack’s stupid excuse is another lie designed to decrease Cusack’s responsibility for his idiotic jew-hating actions – but that isn’t going to work.

John Cusack is a genuinely stupid and washed-up horrible “actor” who couldn’t act his way out of a wet paper bag, and now has outted himself as the jew-hating cocksucker that Cusack truly is.

Actor John Cusack is ferociously backtracking and claiming he was confused by a “bot” on Twitter after he retweeted — and then defended a clearly anti-Semitic cartoon late Monday night.

Cusack, who blocks most conservatives on Twitter, apparently thought he was sending a message to a friendly audience when he tweeted a cartoon of a hand, marked with the Star of David, crushing a group of people. The cartoon featured a fake quote, credited to Voltaire, that read, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

The implication, of course, is that Cusack is “ruled over” by the Jewish people. And to drive the point home, Cusack added his own commentary, telling his followers to, “follow the money.”

Journalist Yashar Ali was quick enough to grab a screenshot of Cusack’s tweet for everyone on Cusack’s block list.

The tweet, of course, echoes recent anti-Semitic comments made by other rabid progressives, including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who tweeted several months about investigating AIPAC, claiming support among her colleagues for certain policies was, “All about the Benjamins.”

Cusack went on to defend his tweet, accusing Israel of committing “atrocious” acts against the Palestinians, and firing back at any critic of his tweet. Ali also, thankfully, captured Cusack’s crusade to convince his remaining followers that he’s not really anti-Semitic, just a critic of Israeli policy.

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