Washed-Up 90’s ‘Singer’ Pink Gets Even More Upset After Social Media Replies to Stupid Shitty Post

HAHAHA!! The so-called “singer” named “Pink” has told all conservatives, who are against democrat psychos murdering their babies, to stop listening to her music, and half of the people didn’t have any idea who the self-absorbed loser actually was.

“Let’s be clear: if you believe the government belongs in a woman’s uterus, a gay persons business or marriage, or that racism is okay- THEN PLEASE IN THE NAME OF YOUR LORD NEVER FUCKING LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AGAIN. AND ALSO FUCK RIGHT OFF. We good?”Washed-Up “Singer” Pink

This made Pink even more mad, and she replied angerly.

“And to all of you sad, old white men asking me if I still make music. I realize you’re out of touch- so ask your kids…. Oh wait- you can’t. They hate you.” – Washed-Up “Singer” Pink

Maybe Pink should go ask HER kids who is popular singers are in the world today, and I’m sure the answer would not be “Pink”, but my reply to disgusting baby-murder-supporting skank Pink would say pretty much what she replied with, with a few adjustments.

And to all of you sad, democrats asking me if I still make music. I realize you’re out of touch- so ask your kids…. Oh wait- you can’t. YOU MURDERED THEM IN THE WOMB!

Also pay attention to how Godless skank Pink says “YOUR LORD” because she does the work of the Devil.

Bottom like is that Pink SUCKS MAJOR ASSHOLES! I have never intentionally listed to a Pink song, and never will – as is the case with the vast majority of the world’s population.

I also love how sooo many brainless dumbfuck democrats claim (incorrectly) that murdering your baby is a “constitutional right” but there is NOTHING in the constitution that gives women the right to murder their babies at any point of their pregnancy. NOT ONE WORD!

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