Washed-up libtard loser Jamie Lee Curtis is about as smart as a wet bowl of oatmeal, and that’s probably insulting the bowl of oatmeal!
Brainless bull-dyke-looking skank Jamie Lee Curtis posted a picture of herself with a filled-in ballot showing that she voted for Crooked Hillary, and exclaiming that “Eye voted! I played my woman’s card. Experience, strength, hope and health!”
Do you want a cookie, you fucking disgusting troll?
The picture shows the stupid skank with a I Voted sticker on her eye, but she must have had stickers covering both eyes and both ears for the past year or so to not know that Hillary Clinton is a crooked criminal who belongs in prison.
The ONLY reason why she may get away with her crimes is because the Obama administration is protecting her, and will not allow her to be indicted for her crimes.
“She’s the most qualified person.” “She’s fighting to keep our families together.” “I want my daughter to have even more rights than I do.” “She’s a badass.” – Brainless Libtard Skank Loser Jamie Lee Curtis
If Jamie Lee Curtis wants her daughter to have more rights than she does, and then voted for Hillary Clinton, she has to be one of the dumbest fucking losers on the face of the planet, as everyone knows that Democrats only take away our rights – Democrats never give you more rights.
By the way, Jamie Lee Curtis just might want to update her Twitter picture because it’s probably 10 years old, and looks nothing like her.
Even is Jamie Lee Curtis’ prime, she was still a completely fucking disgusting bull-dyke-looking skank.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org