The WHO has done yet another complete turnaround on how the Chinese COVID-19 Wuhan Coronavirus and how it’s spread – now saying that asymptomatic people very rarely spread the Chinese virus.

W.H.O. Dumbfucks Have No Fucking Clue What They’re Doing – Must Be Held Accountable For Every Bullshit Pronouncement
These unscientific WHO dumbfucks obviously didn’t do any fucking research on this shit before locking down our entire country and destroying our nation’s economy for no reason at all!
That’s fucking ridiculous! These motherfuckers have to be held accountable!
One thing is for sure.. The next time these stupid America-hating assholes tell us to self-quarantine, I and millions of other Americans going to tell them to shove it straight up their ass, because we’re not doing that again!
UPDATE: Give the WHO an hour and they will flip-flop on important Wuhan Coronavirus information another 5 times, and now the WHO has updated their latest announcement, saying that asymptomatic people can sometimes spread the Chinese virus.
Fucking WHO idiots should never again be trusted by the American People to provide accurate and truthful information, because they have proved time and time again that they are incompetent political hacks, willing to spread fake information to protect China.
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