Unbelievable! The terrorist animal thugs attacking Ferguson have gone off the deep end this time!
Violent thugs, including many Muslims, are terrorizing Ferguson and the entire St Louis area.
Highways have been completely stopped, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at police, one police officer has been shot, and currently there are at least 8 businesses and 15 cars on fire, and more fires are popping up all the time.
To make matters worse, the Police are just standing by and watching all of this crime taking place, and doing nothing.
The city of Ferguson burns but the fire trucks will not even come in to fight the fires, because the police are too weak to handle the violent animal criminals are running wild burning everything in sight with Molotov cocktails.
By the end of the night there will be no businesses left in Ferguson because they have all been destroyed by arson.
Police in Ferguson are so hamstrung by their so-called ‘Rules Of Engagement’ they worked out with the very thugs that they are being attacked by, and by pressure by liberal idiots in the media an government, that they can’t even begin to respond to the new batch of riots, which quickly turned into chaos.
Even the one and only business that still supported the area and had enough confidence in the thugs to not board up their windows was one of the first to be looted. It obviously didn’t pay to be faithful to the city of Ferguson.
Good thing Jay Nixon brought up the National Guard! Whew! I bet without the National Guard here things could have gotten out of control.. Whatever, I’m being facetious because the National Guard has been useless so far, and has not helped control the situation in any way. The National Guard should be securing the streets and preventing the terrorists from burning any more businesses & cars.
Nixon just called for more National Guard to come and help, but I have a news break for ya… ITS TOO LATE JAY, YOU DUMB FUCK!!! By morning, there will be nothing else left to burn or loot.
Honestly answer this question. What person or business in their right mind would stay in Ferguson (or even in Missouri for that matter) after this second round of violence, looting, arson, and terrorism?
Not Me!! There are many other areas of St Louis or another state all-together where people and businesses could move to live, or set-up shop, with almost no risk of their businesses being looted or burned to the ground, and where they don’t have weak-ass pussies like Jay Nixon running the show with their heads up their asses.
I would bet almost anything that there will be many people and businesses moving out of Ferguson, and that area will soon be a ghost town, and those who stay will need to travel elsewhere to do their shopping.
I know if I lived or had a business in Ferguson, I would sell my house or close that business so fast your head would spin!
I give a lot of the blame for these riots on Obama, and especially on piece of shit Democrat Representative Lacy Clay, for the race-baiting speeches they gave after the announcement of the Grand Jury decision, which I feel definitely spawned some of this violence and crime.
If I had to bet, I would say there will be much more of the same violence and terrorism tomorrow night as well when the terrorist animals come out again.
I can’t wait to see how Nixon and the police can fuck things up tomorrow, but I do have some advice for the police which may help in the future, which is.. If you see someone starting a fire, blow his fucking ugly head clean off.
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