Andrew Gillum is a total loser, and he has some serious dickheads working for him as well. One of these Andrew Gillum dickhead staffers, apparently named Javis Russ, actually physically and violently attacked a woman, stole her phone out of her hands, and broke the phone on the ground – just because she was filming him make an ass out of himself, and the fatass 350 pound criminal snowflake apparently didn’t like it.
Watch the video above, and you will see the Gillum staffer, Javis Russ attack the woman at the end of the video.
Andrew Gillum, and the people he has working for him are all polished turds, that might look OK from the outside, but are just disgusting pieces of shit on the inside.
I think I can speak for the majority of the American People when I say that I hope the people of Florida don’t have their heads stuck up their added on November 6th – reject the Socialist piece of shit Andrew Gillum and his band of hoolihans, and elect Ron DeSantis.
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