Violent Leftist Dickhead Gaige Paul Grosskreutz Lies At Kent State Regarding Self Defense Shooting By Kyle Rittenhouse

Violent leftist dickhead loser soy-boy Gaige Paul Grosskreutz (Paul Prediger) gives a speech full of lies to maybe 10 people at Kent State, regarding the event in Kenosha WI, where he was shot in the arm by Kyle Rittenhouse.

Brainless idiot Gaige Grosskreutz fails to mention that the only reason why he was shot in Kenosha WI in 2020 is because Grosskreutz had a loaded gun, with a round chambered, aimed directly at Kyle Rittenhouse’s head, as a pack of other deranged, violent, leftist losers chased and attacked him.

Watch Gaige Paul Grosskreutz’s (Paul Prediger) testimony from the trial, where he admits that Rittenhouse didn’t shoot him until Grosskreutz aimed his got at Rittenhouse’s head. Grosskreutz comes off looking like a total piece of shit in the trial!

Gaige Paul Grosskreutz must be getting a lot of negative reactions to the part he played in the violent and deadly Kenosha BLM riots on August 25, 2020, where Grosskreutz forced Kyle Rittenhouse to shoot him, because Gaige Grosskreutz has changed his name to Paul Prediger.

“I went to Kenosha to help my community—not become a whipping boy in the national debate. In less than three minutes, the direction of my life was horribly altered when I was forced to defend myself with deadly force.”

Nobody forced dumbfuck Grosskreutz (Prediger) to chase Kyle Rittenhouse, and nobody forced Grosskreutz (Prediger) to aim a loaded and chambered firearm at Grosskreutz (Prediger). The only person Grosskreutz (Prediger) has to blame is himself.

In fact, anyone and everyone who watched the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse knows that Rittenhouse acted appropriately in the face of the violent attacks he was facing, and anyone who was shot by Kyle Rittenhouse only have themselves to blame.

I think it will be really funny if /when Grosskreutz (Prediger) says something libelous against Rittenhouse, and Rittenhouse files a lawsuit against Grosskreutz (Prediger) for defamation. The crybaby would lose his shit!

On Aug. 16, 2020, just days before the Rittenhouse shootings, he was arrested by cops in West Allis for allegedly “prowling” when he was nabbed videotaping police vehicles in a police department parking lot around 1 a.m.

“Gaige appeared to be videotaping personal vehicles in the rear police parking lot,” according to a police report obtained by the Mail. “Gaige made clear his anti-law enforcement views. Gaige was arrested for prowling, booked, cited and released.”

On May 9, 2015, Grosskreutz was stopped by police in Greenfield, about 40 miles from Kenosha, after cops reported he had “bloodshot and glassy” eyes — with the officers recovering a 9mm Glock 19 handgun from his vehicle.

In 2013, he was charged with smashing the bedroom window at an ex-girlfriend’s home at 4 a.m., with the woman claiming he had been harassing her on the phone.

One year earlier, was hit with a felony burglary charge in New Berlin when cops said he was caught trying to sell three stolen PlayStation consoles, the outlet reported.

And in 2010, Grosskreutz was arrested and charged with hitting his grandmother in the face during a dispute, during which he also threw a lamp and damaged a wall.

The then-17-year-old swung “a lamp into the living room wall, damaging the lamp and the wall and struck her across the face with an open hand,” a report in that case said.

Police said he was charged with disorderly conduct and criminal damage.

In addition, he has prior juvenile arrests that are sealed, the Mail said.

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