A 15 year old girl and her Mother were both violently assaulted by a very large black criminal Eric Smith and his wife Latasha M. Smith because they claimed that the fried chicken they ordered was cold, and that they didn’t receive enough french fries with the order.

Violent Black Criminals Nathaniel Eric Smith & Latasha M. Smith Assault Mom & 15 Yr Old Daughter Over Cold Fried Chicken
Active warrants are out for the two violent black criminals for the crimes of aggravated battery and cruelty to children.
The violent black woman had already violently attacked the owner of the restaurant when the morbidly obese fat piece of shit criminal, Nathaniel Eric Smith sucker punched the tiny 15 year old girl in the face, knocking her off her feet and back against a wall.
The restaurant owner had actually already refunded the black criminals money after they complained about the food, but that obviously wasn’t enough for the violent criminals Nathaniel Eric Smith and Latasha M. Smith.
They have active warrants for aggravated battery and cruelty to children. They are considered dangerous and have a tendency towards violence…
Officials say the two have access to two other vehicles described as a silver 2004 Cadillac Deville 4s with Georgia tag number PVK5483, and a green 1996 Cadillac Deville 4s with Georgia tag number BXQ1673. They are described as a heavy-set, medium-height, black male wearing a black T-Shirt, red shorts, and a red cap, and a slender-built, tall, black female wearing an all black shirt, pants, and cap. Officials say they headed north on Highway 144.
Just look at that disgusting racist fat tub of goo criminal, Nathaniel Eric Smith… It doesn’t look like the pat piece of shit really needs any more fried chicken or fries, but anyone as disgustingly obese as Nathaniel Eric Smith doesn’t care about anything, other than stuffing their fat gullet with as much food as they can cram in.
These two racist criminals belong in prison for a long time, and I have a feeling that Nathaniel Eric Smith may very well see the inside of a prison cell over the attack. Something tells me that the fat piece of shit criminal, Nathaniel Eric Smith, has probably already spent time in prison, so I hope he had fun because he is about to return to a nice cold prison cell with his butt buddies.
Shocking surveillance video shows the moment a Georgia couple brutally beat a restaurant employee and her teenage daughter — all because they weren’t satisfied with their order.
The couple, identified by police as Nathaniel Eric and Latasha Smith, were at the Quik Chick takeout stand next to U.S. Highway 1 in Baxley around 3 p.m. Thursday when they complained to owner Jeanette Norris that their chicken was too cold and that they didn’t get enough fries, WTOC reported.
Norris checked the food, spoke with the couple for a few seconds and even refunded their money — before Latasha attacked her, slapping and punching her in the face.
“She went berserk,” Norris told the station. “They both lost it, him and her both; started cussing and beating on the window.”
Then the owner’s 15-year-old daughter walked out of a truck parked in front of the eatery — only to be immediately socked in the face by Nathaniel, knocking her off her feet, the video shows.
“One of my employees yelled, ‘He’s got her,’ and that’s when I realized he had hit her,” Norris said. “Who does that? Who punches a child like she’s a grown man standing there? He needs putting under the jail.”
When two other customers arrived, the couple drove off in a silver Cadillac Escalade.
Norris was left with a broken nose after the attack — and her daughter suffered bruises and a concussion, the station reported.
Police told the station that the attack was completely unprovoked.
“I’ve been here, what, 41 years — 30 of them as chief,” said Chief James Godfrey of the Baxley Police Department. “I have never seen anything like this. I’ve never heard of anything like this.”
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