Video Shows Tyrone Harris Pulling Out Gun & Charging Police Before Being Shot

So… Tyrone Harris’ grandmother and aunt think he’s a good kid, who would NEVER fire a gun at the police? Tyrone’s father also defended his son, saying: “My son’s fingerprints are not on that gun. He was gunned down like a hog.” REALLY?? Lets just see about that.

If hogs had thumbs, and a gun, and liked being a worthless thug criminal who shoots at the police, then yes, Tyrone Harris was “gunned down like a hog”. But unfortunately, hogs don’t have thumbs, so they can’t hold guns. Tyrone Harris, on the other hand does have thumbs, and apparently did fire a weapon at the police multiple times before he was shot by the police.

Tyrone Harris Sr. also said “He (Tyrone Harris Jr.) made some mistakes. He was pulling it together. And then, this happened.”

Really? He was “pulling it together”? After JUST being released on bond for another felony, and that is “pulling it together”? WOW, in this family, being charged with a felony is what they call “pulling it together”.. What a bunch of piece of crap loser parents!

Of course Tyrone Harris’ laughable excuse for parents are going to stick up for their thug criminal son, but we all know that they are full of shit, and that their son is a criminal who is very lucky to be alive, after shooting multiple shots from his gun at the police.

Here are some pictures of the worthless thug criminal, who should spend most of the rest of his life in prison. “His fingerprints aren’t on that gun” Yea, right!

Also, take a look at the Facebook comments on the second slide, and who likes the image of Tyrone being a piece of shit thug criminal… None other than another racist piece of shit loser, Mike Brown’s so-called “mother”, Leslie McSpadden.

“She Say You Be Thuggin . Bitch Thts Everyday” – Criminal Thug Tyrone Harris
“I Dont Need No Help . Ill Do Da Hit By Myself #PistolGang” – Criminal Thug Tyrone Harris
“I Aint Duckin No Action . Fuck Da Police & Da Competton” – Criminal Thug Tyrone Harris

Way to help another thug criminal out of getting into the same situation as your dead criminal thug son, Leslie McSpadden, you fucking worthless piece of trash!

Tyrone Harris, Jr. showed off guns on Facebook, was out on bond for other felony charges.

18-year-old Tyrone Harris, Jr. was released on bond for a different felony case, before the August 9, 2015 gun battle. He`s now charged with ten additional felonies including 1st degree assault on law enforcement officers. Minutes before his shooting, we were at the front line when we heard about looting at a strip mall one parking lot over. That’s where the gunfight broke out.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar called it ‘a remarkable amount of gunfire.’

Police said Harris shot at them. Belmar added, ‘The plain clothed detectives returned fire from the inside of their van.’

Harris survived and was transported to a hospital. Police said he was carrying a stolen 9 mm handgun. Belmar said, ‘The suspect`s gun was stolen in 2014 from Cape Girardeau.’

We`ve confirmed with police sources, the Facebook page of Tyrone Harris. He calls himself TY Glocks. He`s posted dozens of pictures with him holding guns, often posting them with the #pistolgang. His last post was about an hour before the shooting. It said “I (expletive) around go on West Florissant tonight.”

The gun battle started after reported looting at 10:20 pm. St. Louis County Police swarmed West Florissant. FOX2 had two crews on the ground. After more reported looting, away from the protest line, at least 30 shots rang out.

Video from a German TV camera across the street shows the shooters. You can see the muzzle flashes. You can also see at least one shooter firing with his arm above his head, across West Florissant, toward the old Ponderosa.

You can also see another man in long red pants and a white top. He appears to point his gun to the ground and then run to a white pickup.

The sound of shots appeared to move from west to east. St. Louis County Police reported they were following a shooter running that way and then exchanging gunfire behind the old Ponderosa.

At about the same time, St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter Paul Hampel was being robbed and beaten. He tweeted, moments before the attack “Another break-in on West Florissant in #Ferguson.”

According to court records, suspect Tyrone Harris, Jr. was arrested in November 2014 for having a stolen 9 mm. A probable cause statement said police pursued Harris after he was speeding in a stolen car down a one way street. Police reported throwing down stop sticks, then arresting him. Officers say he admitted to stealing the car and gun.

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