Jonathan Butler… Gary Pinkel… Mack Rhodes… What Complete DOUCHES!
Racist dicks in the New Black Panther Party have taken over Mizzou, and apparently the school supports it, as long as the shitty football team keeps playing – most likely losing.
Watch this video, and see for a fact that piece of shit loser Jonathan Butler was lying when he said that the car carrying MU President Tim Wolfe hit him. It did not hit him.
In a press conference, Mizzou Athletic Director Mack Rhodes, and Football Coach Gary Pinkel kept saying that they supported the racist actions of their football team, which led to the sacking of two school administrators, including the University of Missouri president, because “a young man’s life was on the line”.
What complete bullshit! Fuck you Gary Pinkel & Mack Rhodes!
The financial ramifications of the football team not playing weren’t taken into consideration Mack Rhodes? BULLSHIT!
You can tell that the “a young man’s life was on the line” lie was intentionally put out there as an excuse and to distract people from Mizzou’s support of the racist bullshit that has taken over the University of Missouri Columbia campus.
These Mizzou fucktards were worried about the life of racist piece of shit liar Jonathan Butler, who was only hurting himself with his self-inflicted and self-serving hunger strike, and could (and probably did) eat anytime he wanted.
There was no danger to Jonathan Butler, and there was no reason for the hunger strike, because if you watch the video below, you will see that Jonathan Butler was lying about being hit by the car. Jonathan Butler actually rushed towards the car.
In addition, as one excellent reporter pointed out, an average adult human can go without eating for around 21 days, and Jonathan Butler had only been on his so-called hunger strike for 7 days, so it’s easy to see that Jonathan racist turd Butler was in no danger, as the Mizzou lie goes.
The “Save a Life” LIE it is just a flimsy excuse to explain why the University of Missouri Columbia supports racism taking the entire campus, students and faculty hostage, so the school doesn’t lose millions of dollars.
Jonathan Butler — the University of Missouri grad student who became the public face of the #ConcernedStudent1950 protests that forced the resignation of both the school’s president and chancellor — claimed several times that he was hit by a car carrying the president in early October during the school’s homecoming parade.
However, a look at the video of the incident itself shows that Jonathan Butler actually rushes towards the car.
The claim of being hit by the car, a red covetable carrying President Wolfe, was significant in the protests so much so that Butler demanded an apology in the very first list of demands made by the students. The first demand reads in full (emphasis added):
We demand that the University of Missouri System President, Tim Wolfe, writes a handwritten apology to the Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demonstrators and holds a press conference in the Mizzou Student Center reading the letter. In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege, recognize that systems of oppression exist, and provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demands. We want Tim Wolfe to admit to his gross negligence, allowing his driver to hit one of the demonstrators, consenting to the physical violence of bystanders, and lastly refusing to intervene when Columbia Police Department used excessive force with demonstrators.
Butler also tweeted about the incident several times.
Looking at the video Butler himself links to, however, makes it clear that the car was backing away from protesters in an attempt to get around, but the group keeps advancing until suddenly Butler rushes towards the car.
Butler has said he became a radical while attending the University of Missouri after reading the works of socialist, black liberation thinkers.
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