Holy Hell! Watch this disgustingly evil Philly hood-rat pull up and leave a baby in the middle of the fucking street – not caring if the baby would be run over by a car.

The worthless skank could have dropped the baby off at a firehouse or police station, with no repercussions, but instead the disgusting cuntbag decided to do the 2nd most evil thing she could. (first would be to murder her baby herself) She was also just a few feet from the curb, where the baby would have been a little safer, but she obviously didn’t care if the baby lived or died in a very horrible way.

I’m surprised that the disgusting criminal hood-rat didn’t sell her baby to a democrat who couldn’t have a baby – but still wanted to mark off the wish on her bucket list to “murder a baby”. I bet there are MANY democrat women out there that would have paid a hefty price for the opportunity to murder that bitch’s baby.

This is your democrat party in a nutshell. Rotten and evil to the core! I can’t wait until this putrid excuse for a human being is busted and we know who she is! And I hope this disgusting fucktard is reminded of what she did every second of the rest of her miserable fucking life!

This isn’t an isolated incident either… It’s been happening a lot in Philly. Here are just a few articles on the first page of a search.

Mother could face charges after child abandoned in Kensington

Philadelphia Mother Sentenced in ‘Baby Noel’ Infant Abandonment Case

Police Locate Philadelphia Mom Who Left Baby At Hotel

15-Year-Old Mother Facing Charges After Turning Herself Into Police For Abandoning Newborn Baby On Upper Darby Porch, Officials Say

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