Virginia Democrat Rep. Gerry Connolly is one stupid and corrupt piece of shit, who thinks that a woman who allows Planned Parenthood to murder her baby, and then mutilate and tear apart the dead baby to sell off it’s tiny body parts to the highest bidder on the Black Market, is actually the woman practicing “individualism” and “personal liberty”.

VA Libtard Democrat Gerry Connolly Thinks Murdering Babies Equals “Individualism” & “Personal Liberty”
No, the woman is practicing infanticide, with the help of Planned Parenthood and the corrupt US Government, and Planned Parenthood is breaking the law over and over by making money off selling dead baby body parts to whoever will pay them the most.
As is the case with just about every one of the corrupt baby murder loving libtards who say that the Planned Parenthood Horror Videos are fake, I would bet just about anything I own to say that the brainless libtard dickhead, Gerry Connolly, also hasn’t even seen the videos they claim to be fake.
The fact is that the Planned Parenthood videos are 100% real, and show the horrors of what is actually happening at the biggest serial murdering organization in the world today. Planned Parenthood has the complete and total backing of liberals and Democrats because these people are sick in the head, and LOVE killing babies. It is like murdering as many babies as possible is their personal favorite past-time, and I’m sure there are many psychopath Democrat women in America who get pregnant on purpose just so they can have the pleasure of murdering another baby.
Virginia Democrat Rep. Gerry Connolly lectured Republicans for “the misogyny, rampant” throughout their questioning of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards during Tuesday’s Oversight and Government Reform hearing.
CONNOLLY: Lord Almighty, what’s America coming to? The disrespect. The misogyny, rampant here today, tells us what is really going on here. This isn’t about some bogus video — the author of whom did not have the courage to appear here, nor would the majority call them because they know he’ll make a bad witness under oath. This is about a Conservative philosophy that says, “we are constitutionalists.” They hold it up. “We believe in rugged individualism and personal liberty” with one big carve-out though. There’s an astericks in that assertion, and that is “except when it comes to women controlling their own bodies.”
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