Harry Reid is probably the biggest piece of shit in our government at the moment!
Mr. Reid calls Bundy supporters “Domestic Terrorists”, saying that the supporters of Rancher Cliven Bundy “had sniper rifles” and “automatic weapons”, but the reports and video shows just the opposite is true.
It was the Government BLM Terrorists who had sniper rifles and automatic weapons aimed at the rancher and his family because they were filming the crimes of the BLM Terrorists, which is basically the whole reason why the situation has gotten out of hand, and why the ranchers needed protection.
If the Government Terrorists didn’t start with violence with Tasers and attack dogs, there probably would never have been the huge amount of support for Mr. Bundy, but many people will not sit back and watch US Government Terrorists violently attack a US Citizen in the way they did, especially when our elected officials, like Harry and Rory Reid, are using government agencies as their own attack dogs, and getting rich off the pain of others.
Senator Harry Reid has escalated the war of words over the Cliven Bundy dispute, sensationally labeling the Nevada cattle rancher’s supporters “domestic terrorists” during an event in Las Vegas today.
During a ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Reid referred to Bundy supporters as “Nothing more than domestic terrorists,” adding, “I repeat: what happened there was domestic terrorism.”
Reid was referring to the stand off on Saturday in Bunkerville where Bundy supporters, some of whom were armed, forced Bureau of Land Management agents to back down and release around 380 head of cattle belonging to Bundy that had been seized over the course of the previous week.
Reid claimed that Bundy viewed the United States as a “foreign government,” while accusing his supporters of goading violence.
“There were hundreds, hundreds of people from around the country that came there,” Reid said. “They had sniper rifles in the freeway. They had weapons, automatic weapons. They had children lined up. They wanted to make sure they got hurt first … What if others tried the same thing?”
Despite Reid’s characterization of Bundy supporters as “domestic terrorists,” the only violence metered out during the dispute was when BLM agents tasered and assaulted Bundy supporters during an incident on April 9.
No matter where you stand on the Bundy issue, Reid’s characterization of American protesters as “domestic terrorists” is chilling and a massive backlash is almost certain to follow.
Reid attracted controversy earlier this week when he promised that the BLM’s fight with Bundy was “not over”. The Nevada Senator was hit with accusations of cronyism after his former staffer Neil Kornze was confirmed as the new BLM director earlier this month.
Meanwhile, the BLM has admitted slaughtering two prize bulls belonging to Cliven Bundy during their round up of his cattle. The BLM claims the bulls “posed a safety hazard” but refused to elaborate. Bundy supporters have pointed to photographs which appear to show one of the bulls having suffered a gunshot wound.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org