Unhinged Psycho Kurt Eichenwald Obsessed With Kyle Kashuv, Ben Shapiro, Tentacle Porn – Needs Serious Psychiatric Help

WOW!! JUST…. WOW!!!!!! Kurt Eichenwald’s mental stability seems to be quickly slipping, and appears to get more desperate every time he sends an email, posts comments online or opens his mouth.

Unhinged Psycho Kurt Eichenwald Obsessed With Kyle Kashuv, Ben Shapiro, Tentacle Porn - Needs Serious Psychiatric Help

Unhinged Psycho Kurt Eichenwald Obsessed With Kyle Kashuv, Ben Shapiro, Tentacle Porn – Needs Serious Psychiatric Help

Following the typical libtard playbook of accusing their enemies of exactly what they are guilty of, mentally unstable Kurt Eichenwald claims that 16 year old Parkland school shooting survivor, Kyle Kashuv, is “desperate” and “in need of psychiatric help”.

Eichenwald himself alerted the world that he has epilepsy, and that sending the loser an animated GIF could trigger epileptic seizures, but somehow Eichenwald thinks that Ben Shapiro will be held accountable if any Shapiro followers send him GIFs. Um… OK, whatever you say psycho.

Eichenwald also claims that he contacted a psychiatrist “friend” and asked him to evaluate Kashuv’s mental health through his tweets over Twitter – like anyone with half a fucking brain would ever think that conducting mental evaluations over Twitter would be a viable method of evaluating someone’s mental health.

This psychiatrist “friend” is probably Eichenwald’s shrink, who is trying to help Eichenwald stop acting so fucking crazy, as he quickly drops off the deep end.

Vanity Fair now even claims that “Kurt Eichenwald is not a contributing editor at Vanity Fair”. We think that this may be a new development, probably made in desperation to try and stop an avalanche of advertisers from pulling their support for Vanity Fair. The Vanity Fair statement also doesn’t actually say that Eichenwald is not affiliated with Vanity Fair – only that Eichenwald is not a “contributing editor”.

Honestly, it’s pretty sad to see a grown man completely lose their marbles so publicly, but with all of the crazy coming from Kurt Eichenwald we wouldn’t be surprised if Kurt kills himself, or worse yet, becomes the next active shooter.

UPDATE: Now Eichenwald seems to be setting up a lie that his email was hacked – probably to deny that he was the one who sent the crazy unhinged emails to Ben Shapiro.

Remember when Kurt Eichenwald hoped death on Trump supporters? We do!

We are sure more crazy will be coming from Eichenwald in the very near future, and we will bring it to you right here when it happens.

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