Al Gore, who has been making millions upon millions of dollars off the global warming lie, which was cooked up by Gore and some of his crooked “scientists”, is unhappy that everyone doesn’t agree with the sham science used to back up the false claim of man-made global warming.
Gore goes as far as to say that the people who don’t agree with him have been paying “pseudo-scientists” to debunk the climate change scam, but as Democrats always do, they accuse the other side of doing exactly what they are doing. It has been shown time and time again that the people pretending to be scientists to back up Gore’s lie, are nothing more than scam artists, who shaped data, and used faulty science to perpetuate the Global Warming lie.
Most REAL scientists can see (and admit) that the Earth goes through cyclical warming and cooling cycles, and that man did not cause the damage to the climate that Al Gore and his fake “scientists” claim. Al Gore stands to lose a lot of money and respect if and when the truth becomes known as fact.
The model they innovated in that effort was transported whole cloth into the climate debate. And some of the exact same people — by name, I can go down a list of their names — are involved in this. And so what do they do? They pay pseudo-scientists, to pretend to be scientists, to put out the message: “This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.” Bulls–t! “It may be sun spots.” Bulls–t! “It’s not getting warmer.” Bulls–t!
And there are about 10 other memes that are out there, and when you go and talk to any audience about climate, you hear them washing back at you. The same crap, over and over and over again … There is no longer a shared reality on an issue like climate even though the very existence of our civilization is threatened. People have no idea! And yet our ability to actually come to a shared reality that emphasizes the best evidence … It’s no longer acceptable in mixed company, meaning bipartisan company, to use the goddamn word “climate.”
I think Al Gore needs to go take his meds and lay down for a while..
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