Donald Trump won the debate, even though he had to fight against Hillary Clinton AND the liberal hack Lester Holt.
Trump did miss some PRIME opportunities to give Hillary Clinton a few knock-out blow responses to her lies and attacks, which really couldn’t have been setup better, even if his own people wrote Hillary’s setup lines.
Other polls like CNN are corrupt and have skewed their results towards Clinton by polling many more liberals than conservatives. CNN’s post presidential debate poll sampled 41% Democrats and just 26% Republicans. How the fuck do you expect to have a believable poll when you have loaded one side so heavily? Honestly we wouldn’t expect any less than total corruption from CNN or MSNBC anyway, so this is par for the course.
I think Trump was telling the truth when he said that he didn’t really do any formal debate training, and that he was going to try and be respectful of Hillary Clinton, which I think is also why Trump didn’t have many really good zingers lined up for topics that he knew would come up. He wanted to do the debate unscripted, like he has done in his campaign from the start, and got him to the top.
Clinton didn’t have to answer any really tough questions, and the debate questions were definitely geared more towards attacking Trump and ignoring Clinton’s many crimes. Even so, Donald Trump actually answered each accusation thrown his way, while Clinton just didn’t respond to questions about her failures and corruption, probably because she didn’t want to bring any more attention to them.
Lester Holt is a piece of shit liberal hack, who should not have been the debate moderator, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the debate questions were sent over to the Clinton campaign before the start of the debate.
- Where were the questions about Hillary Clinton’s illegal & completely insecure home-brew email server, which everyone and their fucking brothers had access to, despite not having the security clearance needed to do so?
- Where were the questions about Benghazi, where Hillary Clinton not only allowed, but caused 4 of our people to be murdered in the embassy attack, which easily could have been prevented if Hillary Clinton cared enough, or knew what the fuck she was doing?
- Where were the questions about the ultra corrupt Clinton Foundation criminal organization?
- Where were the questions about the Democrat’s open borders immigration policies?
- Where were the questions about Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” statement about half of America?
Lester Holt asked Trump 6 follow-up questions, and did not ask ANY of Hillary Clinton. Holt also interrupted Trump 41 times, and only interrupted Hillary Clinton 7 times, and Lester Holt pulled a “Candy Crowley” when he incorrectly tried to be a fact checker in favor of the well-pushed Democrat lie, and insisted that the record shows Trump was for the Iraq war, when there is definite proof that he was not for the war even before it started.
The two big losers of the night were the tag-team of Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt. Hillary won just one aspect of the debate last night by not have a coughing fit, and not passing out.
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