Trump Should Release Medical Records Then Try and Force Ill Hillary Clinton to Follow Suit

Trump Should Release Medical Records Then Try and Force Ill Hillary Clinton to Follow Suit

Trump Should Release Medical Records Then Try and Force Ill Hillary Clinton to Follow Suit

Hillary Clinton refuses to release her medical records, which is a LOT more important than the taxes that someone pays. Releasing your taxes only provides the libtard tax evading professionals more information to attack you, no matter what his taxes show.

You gotta ask yourself, why doesn’t Hillary Clinton want to release HER medical records? What kind of diseases or conditions are Hillary hiding that could affect her performance as president, if, God forbid, that were to happen.

There’s absolutely NO DOUBT in my mind that Hillary has some MAJOR health problems that SHOULD preclude her from being President of the United States, and the reality is that there is NO WAY IN HELL That Hillary will EVER release her medical records.

Donald Trump doesn’t HAVE To release his taxes if he doesn’t want, no matter what the “tradition” has been in the past.

If I were Donald Trump, I would immediately release my medical records, and then go out to every media outlet and make the case that Hillary is hiding her obviously bad medical conditions from the American People.

So, if Hillary released her taxes, and he released his medical records. Now it’s a fun game of “Chicken” that Hillary will surely lose.

Hillary Clinton and her running mate Tim Kaine released their 2015 tax returns on Friday – a move meant to put pressure on Donald Trump to disclose his own returns.

According to the campaign release, Bill and Hillary Clinton paid $3.6 million in taxes on an adjusted gross income of $10.6 million.

The filings show that the Clintons paid a federal tax rate of 34.2 percent in 2015. The bulk of their income — more than $6 million — came from speaking fees for appearances made largely before Hillary Clinton launched her campaign in April 2015.

Clinton claimed to be “broke” after leaving the White House.

The Clintons’ income puts them well within the ranks of the top 0.1 percent of Americans, though they pay a higher tax rate than many of their elite peers, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Foundation based on 2013 data.

The tax release is part of an effort to undercut Trump’s character by questioning the New York businessman’s record. Trump has refused to make his filings public, saying they’re under audit by the Internal Revenue Service and that he’ll release them only once that review is complete. All major U.S. presidential candidates in modern history have released their returns.

The campaign also released the last ten years of tax returns filed by Kaine and his wife. Although it is not a requirement, recent presidential candidates have provided their returns or summaries for public scrutiny. The Clintons have disclosed returns for every year since 1977.

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