No wonder why Donald Trump has started boycotting Fox News. I would too if I were him – in fact I did, and actually started boycotting Fox News before The Donald.
Fox News has always been the best source of news for conservatives, but not so much anymore. Fox News has hired a bunch of total fucking losers over there now, and other Fox News personalities are not worth listening to anymore. These are people that I used to watch, and like, but not anymore.

Trump Is Right to Boycott Fox News Until They Stop Working As Attack Dogs for GOP Presidential Candidates & Liberals
I’m sick of the bullshit on Fox News. They rarely even bother to interview anyone except other Fox News employees, they help the Democrats by attacking the other Republicans, and everyday one of the dumb-asses take up air time to plug the newest book by another Fox News employee. I don’t have the time or patience to sit through it.
My family and I basically stopped watching Fox News a few years ago, due to how badly they were all wrong about the 2012 election, and never really started watching again on a daily basis.
Lately, we can’t even remember why we ever watched the Fox News network. The only person on the network that I still watch and have respect for is Bill O’Reilly, and even that is shaky, due to other turds on the network like bimbo Megyn Kelly, and Rich Lowry.
I also agree with Donald Trump that, if Rich Lowry’s on-air statements about Trump broke any FCC rules, he should be held accountable. By the FCC and by Fox News.
National Review Editor and Fox News Contributor Rich Lowry said GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina cut GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s “balls off with the precision of a surgeon” on a primetime national television broadcast, referencing Fiorina’s performance in the second GOP primary debate.
“What did you just say?” host Megyn Kelly responded. “You can’t say that,” as she laughed at Lowry’s statement.
Lowry’s attack against Trump took place during Fox News’ The Kelly File on the same day Trump announced he wouldn’t be appearing on Fox News anymore since the “Fair and Balanced” cable network has been reporting unfairly about him.
Trump responded to Lowry’s comment on Twitter, posting, “Incompetent @RichLowry lost it tonight on @FoxNews. He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him!”
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