Trump Hating Closet Libtard Douchebag Shepard Smith Finally Gone From Fox News!

YES!!! Stupid leftist douchebag Trump hater Shepard Smith is finally leaving fox!

Trump Hating Closet Libtard Douchebag Shepard Smith Finally Gone From Fox News!

Trump Hating Closet Libtard Douchebag Shepard Smith Finally Gone From Fox News!

It’s about time! Shepard Smith isn’t done though, as his hatred of the President of the United States was the perfect interview for Shepard Smith’s next step down to the fake news networks

You know it’s a good thing for conservatives if psycho nutjob Tom Arnold is pissed off.

Next stop, CNN or MSNBC – most likely CNN.

Good Riddance Shepard Smith! Don’t let the door smack you on the ass on the way out, loser!

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