Donald Trump has joined many other Americans in calling for a full investigation of the Clinton Foundation criminal organization by a special prosecutor, to investigate the crimes and corruption oozing into and out of every level of the organization.

Trump Calls For Expedited Special Prosecutor Investigation of Clinton Foundation Pay for Play Crimesy
The Clintons made the State Department into the same kind of Pay-to-Play operation as the Arkansas Government was: pay the Clinton Foundation huge sums of money and throw in some big speaking fees for Bill Clinton and you got to play with the State Department.
The amounts involved, the favors done and the significant numbers of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a Special Prosecutor.
Donald Trump called for a special prosecutor to investigate The Clinton Foundation’s conduct while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, suggesting there was a pay to play scheme, during his campaign rally in Akron, Ohio on Monday night.
“Her Foundation took in large payments from major corporations and wealthy individuals, foreign and domestic, all while she was Secretary of State,” Trump charged. “The Clinton Foundation accepted as much as $60 million dollars from Middle Eastern countries that oppress women, gays and people of different faiths.”
The Republican nominee noted that donors to the Clinton Foundation were individuals and corporations that had business before the Department of State.
“And then either Hillary Clinton herself or one of her closest aides took action favorable to the donor,” Trump alleged. “Her actions corrupted and disgraced one of the most important Departments of government, indeed one of only four established by the United States Constitution itself.”
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –