Watch this stupid entitled greedy granola piece of trash complain that her parents appealed a decision in a lawsuit she brought against them for $5000/month, just for being born. The disgusting leftist skank says that nobody is going to give her $5000/month, wen she has no education and no skills.
If you split the $5000/month that she was expecting from her parents, and then apply that to a 40-hour work-week, she would be making over $30/hour. Any loser, with no education, and no skills, who expects that kind of pay, is a complete idiot!
This uneducated and unskilled bitch wants college graduate level pay for nothing, while admitting that she is completely worthless, and basically a waste of space.
First of all, the granola skank looks like she is just about 18, so she would be out on her own very soon anyway. So, if I were this bitch’s parents, I would have filed a counter-claim, and/or had the payments reduced to $100/month, until she reaches 18 years of age, and then let the stupid fucktard fend for her own food, clothes, housing, insurance, and anything else that takes money. She would very quickly learn how good she had it.
She’s 100% right that nobody is going to hand you money for nothing, and if you don’t have anything to offer an employer, IT’S YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT! How about you get your skinny, trashy, falsely-entitled ass back in school to get an education and some skills?
THIS is the kind of trash that the greedy entitled criminal democrats are generating. Her Mother should have aborted her, to save herself the headache.
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