This Houston Cop Need to Be Charged For 5 Shots in Back After Suspect Was Disarmed

I’m all for cops protecting their lives while in the line of duty, and typically we side with the officers in quick action events, but this shooting by a Houston Police officer (Officer Ready) seems like it started as an OK shooting that turned into a bad shooting, when the police officer unloaded his magazine into the man he was chasing, but the final 4-5 shots in the back of the downed suspect were after the suspect no longer had the firearm in his hand.

Seems like Officer Ready was a little TOOOOO ready!

It’s a good thing that, SOMEHOW, the guy survived being shot that many times at such close range, otherwise we would be calling for a murder charge against Officer Ready – but since the suspect/victim in this shooting survived so far, Officer Ready should be charged with lesser offenses.

One thing is for sure… Policing in the USA has to change! There HAS to be a better way to take people into custody without killing them!

Go watch the police in other countries take down violent armed criminals, and they usually don’t die. The police shoot the criminal once or twice, and then move right in to secure any weapons, get medical aid on the scene, and take the criminal into custody.

In the United States, the police often appear in numbers and make many suspects look like Swiss Cheese, after multiple officers basically unload their magazines into the criminal. THEN the police officers stand 40 yards away yelling at the the person they just filled full of holes to “drop the weapon, roll over, Stop moving, We want to help you, drop the weapon” for 10 minutes, while the person bleeds out and dies, when the person was obviously incapacitated, and no threat to one officer, let alone 4-5 officers. It must be trained that when one officer fires, they all fire, because that’s what we often see.

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