The UK Needs Their Own MEGA (MAGA) Movement To Stop This Tyrannical Bullshit!

The UK has been turned into a shithole of censorship and tyranny, and they need their own MEGA Movement to get real English Patriots in charge so that they can put an end to the bullshit that has pretty much destroyed the UK and other EU Nations. These Nazis will arrest anyone who says or posts anything that someone else finds offensive. That is their unbelievably stupid threshold!

Here is a guy who was arrested in the UK for making “offensive” comments on Facebook.

This man was actually sentenced to 20 months in prison for making a social media post that was critical of the dangerous illegal immigrants who have taken over the UK!!

This guy was arrested for just commenting on Facebook how he hated seeing the flags of foreign invaders being flown in their country.

This stupid nutless pussy “judge” needs to get a good, hard punch to the throat!

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