The Aviary Bar Didn’t Fire Criminal Skank Who Spit on Eric Trump – Suspensions Are Temporary

The Chicago bar called “The Aviary” that Eric Trump was in when one of their employees spit on him, didn’t actually fire the criminal who assaulted Eric Trump – they suspended her “on leave” – and suspensions are temporary.

Here is the statement from The Aviary saying that the disgusting woman will be suspended.

There doesn’t need to be any discussion that someone like this criminal should not be working in their establishment, unless the owners of The Aviary agree with the employee – which is how it’s starting to sound.

Eric Trump really should have pressed charges against the stupid whore, and she is lucky that he didn’t. I would have had them throw the book at the stupid wench!

The owners of The Aviary should have immediately shit-canned the disgusting criminal as soon as she spit on anyone – and especially the son of the President of the United States – but they didn’t. They put her “on leave” instead until the shit blows over, and then the nasty skank will go right back at work at The Aviary.

I say everyone should let this business know how exactly they feel about not firing this disgusting woman, who should be in jail.

The Democrats have been encouraging this type of criminal actions from their voters for 3 years, so it’s not a surprise that conservatives continue to be violently attacked by rabid radical leftists – but they need to be held accountable for inciting violence.

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