Anti-American piece of shit & terrorist loving Democrat Rep. J. Luis Correa has hung a painting depicting the Statue of Liberty wearing the Muslim terrorist outfit of a hijab, and refuses to take it down.
It is very easy to see that the Democrats love murdering babies almost as much as they love terrorists, or anyone /anything that hates America as much as they do personally. This is why Democrats are all in favor of open borders, and allowing any and all terrorists to flow freely into the United States, unchecked, and able to murder more Americans.
If the Democrats could get away with openly murdering Americans that they disagree with politically, I have no doubt in my mind that it would be Democrats blowing up airplanes and buildings, and I also have no doubt in my mind that Democrats are/have been involved with many terrorist attacks inside and outside the United States.
Contact the terrorist loving Democrat Rep. J. Luis Correa and tell the stupid piece of shit terrorist lover that he should be ashamed to hang that disgusting painting in his office, and demand that it be taken down.
Well, it’s a painting that’s causing quite a controversy, and according to one congressman, it’s not going anywhere.
Democratic Rep. J. Luis Correa, D-Cali., has a painting, created by a female high school student in the Congressional Art Competition, that depicts the Statue of Liberty wearing a hijab.
The painting has been called controversial and groups want it removed, but Correa said he’s not taking it down. Why? He said it’s an individual’s expression and is only in his office because it was chosen as finalist for the art competition.
However, “We the People Rising,” a local activist group, is not backing down. They claim the photo is inappropriate for a congressperson to have in their office.
The identity of the artist has not been released due to the potential of the artist becoming the target of threats.
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