The terrorist friendly idiots in the Obama administration have infected the rest of the government they control, from top to bottom, making it far more likely that our country will be attacked again by Islamist terrorists living in the United States – legally and illegally.

Terrorist Friendly Obama FBI Report Warns of White Supremacy Extremists but Makes No Mention of Islamist Terror Threats
We are learning that the FBI’s latest national threat assessment for domestic terrorism warns about anti-government militias, white supremacy extremists, “sovereign citizens”, nationalists, and anarchists, but it does not mention the threat we face constantly from Islamist terrorists.
The ISIS terrorists are already in the United States.
We hear idiots on the news talking about ISIS, and saying that the ISIS terror group is not a threat to the United States, but this is a lie to try and keep more Democrats in office after the next election. Everyone knows that many terrorists have for sure already entered our country illegally by slipping over the unsecured borders.
The country is in grave danger from the same ISIS terrorists that the weak terrorist friendly Obama administration is trying to figure out how to sneak into the country without being caught, while denying that anyone has even entered the country. I’m calling BULLSHIT on the Obama admin!
The FBI’s most recent national threat assessment for domestic terrorism makes no reference to Islamist terror threats, despite last year’s Boston Marathon bombing and the 2009 Fort Hood shooting—both carried out by radical Muslim Americans.
Instead, the internal FBI intelligence report concluded in its 2013 assessment published this month that the threat to U.S. internal security from extremists is limited to attacks and activities by eight types of domestic extremist movements—none motivated by radical Islam.
They include anti-government militia groups and white supremacy extremists, along with “sovereign citizen” nationalists, and anarchists. Other domestic threat groups outlined by the FBI assessment include violent animal rights and environmentalist extremists, black separatists, anti- and pro-abortion activists, and Puerto Rican nationalists.
“Domestic extremist violence continues to be unpredictable and, at times, severe,” the report states.
A copy of the unclassified, 60-page National Threat Assessment for Domestic Extremism, dated Aug. 14, was obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. It warns that the threat of domestic-origin extremism was moderate in 2013 and will remain so for this year.
“Domestic extremists collectively presented a medium-level threat to the United States in 2013; the FBI assesses the 2014 threat will remain close to this level,” the report said.
On black separatists, the report warned that a “high-profile racially charged crimes or events” could lead to an expansion of black separatist groups. The report identified three such groups as the New Black Panther Party, the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, and the Black Hebrew Israelite group as extremists under FBI scrutiny.
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