Unhinged & Violent U.S. Marshal Physically Attacks Woman Taking Video of Police – Steals & Destroys Phone
A U.S. Marshal, and soon-to-be out of work criminal, physically attacked a woman who was video recording the South Gate Police, and smashed the woman’s phone after physically wrestling the phone out of her hands.
The legal definition of a “Robbery” is as follows.
“Robbery – The taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force or intimidation.”
This means that the U.S Marshal actually robbed the woman, and should be charged with the crime of robbery, and forced to pay for his crimes, and for his stupidity as well.
What was this criminal thug U.S. Marshal thinking? What was this criminal U.S. Marshal trying to coverup by attacking the woman, stealing her phone, and then smashing it on the concrete sidewalk, and then kicking it across the street?
The U.S. Marshals Service has positively identified the man in the video as a U.S. marshal, but have not released his name. As soon as they do, we will bring it to you.
It doesn’t matter to me what the …
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