Who Got Rich On the D.C. Trash Can Scandal? Washington Wastes $9 Million on Unneeded Trash Cans – Destroys Many Perfectly Good Bins
Washington DC found a new way to waste your money. Buying 200,000 brand new unneeded trash cans, and then having many of them destroyed because they were clogging the streets.

Who Got Rich On the D.C. Trash Can Scandal? Washington Wastes $9 Million on Unneeded Trash Cans – Destroys Many Perfectly Good Bins
I think a big question here is what friend of a corrupt Democrat made the $9 million off the American Taxpayer for the 200,000 new trash cans that weren’t needed?
Some Democrat Senator or Representative probably helped one of his friends or supporters to get a government contract for the purchase of the extra new trash cans, only to have many of them destroyed because they say they weren’t needed, which they called a “safety decision”.
It wasn’t actually a safety decision either, as many areas could have used more trash cans. The cans could have just as easily been sent to a different city as being destroyed.
They most likely destroyed the perfectly good trash cans to get that stockpile of trash cans out of the …
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