Whiny Jealous Hollywood Liberals Can’t Stand Box Office Success for Conservative Movie “American Sniper”

Whiny Jealous Hollywood Liberals Can't Stand Box Office Success for Conservative Movie "American Sniper"

Whiny Jealous Hollywood Liberals Can’t Stand Box Office Success for Conservative Movie “American Sniper”

Liberals are really hating the fact that the conservative-made film “American Sniper” is a smash hit that is breaking box office records, while nobody wants to go watch a movie by whiny nutless liberal pussies like fatass tool Michael Moore or fat piece of shit Seth Rogan.

Michael Moore tweeted out “My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren’t heroes. And invaders r worse,” I don’t know the details of who Micheal Moore’s uncle was or why he was killed by a sniper, but it sounds to me like Micheal Moore’s uncle got killed paying the ultimate price for whiny fat liberal pussy losers like Michael Moore.

If ANYONE is a coward , it is fat piece of shit Michael Moore.

While audiences across America united to give “American Sniper” the biggest ever opening weekend for a movie in January, the Clint Eastwood film has some in Hollywood at odds.

The war drama,

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