House Ethics Committee To Restart Congressional Ethics Probe of Rep. Maxine Waters

House Ethics Committee To Restart Congressional Ethics Probe of Rep. Maxine WatersHouse Ethics Committee To Restart Congressional Ethics Probe of Rep. Maxine Waters
Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters is accused of steering public money to a bank in which she owned stock, and her husband sat on the board of directors.
As we wrote about in a previous article, Maxine Waters Belongs in Jail, Not in Congress!
This investigation needs to come to a conclusion, one way or the other though, and should not fall victim to any more of Maxine Waters’ stalling tactics.
…The House Ethics Committee said Wednesday that Rep. Maxine Waters’ rights were not violated during a congressional ethics probe and that the investigation will now continue.
The committee is looking into whether the California Democrat, a senior member of the chamber’s Financial Services Committee, tried to steer money to
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