Chicago has 82 Black on Black Shootings in One Night But Obama Admin Only Cares When Whites Kill Blacks
AMEN! Well said Mary Ramirez!
We agree that it seems very disingenuous for the black community to stoop to violence and crime we have seen in St Louis, over the killing of one black man by a white police officer, when nothing is ever said about the many shootings and killings that blacks perpetrate against other blacks everyday.

Chicago has 82 Black on Black Shootings in One Night But Obama Admin Only Cares When Whites Kill Blacks
As in the story below, in just one day in Chicago there were 82 people shot, and 14 of those people actually died. But where was the outrage and the marches, and where were race baiters Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and Barack Obama? They were completely silent, and why? Because the 82 shootings in one night in Chicago was all black on black crime, which apparently doesn’t raise any red flags, or cause anger in the black community. It is life as normal when blacks kill other black people, but if it happens to be a white person who kills a black person, …
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