The Fix Is In – Democrats Posing As Republican Election Judges Accepting Bogus Votes At Colorado Polling Places
THE COLORADO ELECTION FIX IS IN! Democrat voter fraud endangers the election in Colorado.
Boulder County GOP Chairwoman Ellyn Hilliard witnessed voter fraud taking place at Colorado polling places, where votes were being accepted, even though the signatures didn’t match at all.

The Fix Is In – Democrats Posing As Republican Election Judges Accepting Bogus Votes At Colorado Polling Places
Now we are learning that Democrats are posing as Republicans, and taking the place of actual Republicans as election judges, and then allowing all kinds of voter fraud helping the Democrats.
Why the fuck do we allow early voting anyway? I think early voting is just a scam that gives Democrat criminals extra time to commit as much voter fraud as they can to help Democrat candidates.
I have voted on the actual election day for over 40 years, without any problems, so everyone else should be able to vote on election day as well.
No matter what the outcome of the election, there needs to be an investigation into the way that the Colorado polling places are staffed and …
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